#SciFri: The potential for damage from the JNCC 7th Quinquennial Review
Something happened this week but it’s taken a few days to sink in. There was news from the Amphibian and Reptile Groups UK (ARG UK), that the Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) was recommending the removal of protections to species…
#StevesLibrary: The Humans Who Went Extinct
Something that I’m sure I’ve mentioned on this blog is that I’ve always been fascinated by the origins of our species. To me, the scientific origins of our species are far more interesting than the biblical one, and I always…
#StevesLibrary: The Overloaded Ark
Recently I finished a book, by that great source of conservation optimism and enthusiasm Gerald Durrell. As I’ve said before, whenever I feel a little disillusioned by the world and the current state of affairs, I always grab one of…
#SciFri: What haven’t I seen as many frogs this year?
A number of people this year have asked me why they haven’t seen as many amphibians as they usually would. I’m sure many of you are used to seeing your pond overcrowded with frogs, jostling for a chance to mate….