Steve's Herpetological Blog

An insight into the life of Steve, his research and the many books he reads

Month: March 2019

#StevesLibrary: Sex on Earth

Recently, I finished reading a book by the very entertaining and enthusiastic Jules Howard, a book that I wouldn’t recommend reading on the train/bus unless you want some confused faces looking your way. I am of course talking about Sex…

#SciFri: Playing Snap with Snakes

Those of you that have been following me on social media will know that as part of my PhD, I’ve been busy working through some legacy data and creating a capture history for grass snakes (Natrix helvetica) at my study…

#FeatureFriday: Herping in the Chocó

Ever since I started blogging on a regular basis about 4 years ago, a number of people have started to follow in my footsteps with their own blogs. I’ve asked a number of these wonderful people to write me a…