Steve's Herpetological Blog

An insight into the life of Steve, his research and the many books he reads


#SciFri: TetZooCon 2018

First off I must apologise to those of you that had subscribed to my fortnighly updates of #SciFri – sometimes I just don’t have anything to write about or in the case of TetZooCon, I have postponed the blog for…

#SciFri: Venom: Killer and cure

A short while ago, there was an exhibit at the Natural History Museum, London focussed on the wonderful world of venom. I visited the exhibit a few times whilst it was at the museum, I thoroughly enjoyed it. If you…

#SciFri: Fossil hunting at Walton-on-the-Naze

Whilst visiting my mother’s house in Essex, I couldn’t help but take the opportunity to travel to Walton-on-the-Naze (known as Walton for short) with her when she headed to the beach to walk her dog. Whilst she would be ensuring…

#SciFri: Midwife toads in the UK

Sorry for the delay in this fortnight’s #SciFri, I’ve been frantically bashing at a keyboard in order to write my Master’s Thesis so I’ve been a little pre-occupied. You’ll be glad to know that everything is going well and I’m…

#SciFri: In search of the marsh frogs of south Essex

This fortnight I thought it would be great to merge #FrogFriday with #SciFri and give you all something a little different. As many of you will know I grew up in south Essex, not far from Southend-On-Sea. In recent years…

#SciFri: Life in the Dark

The Natural History Museum is quite possibly my ideal image of what utopia looks like, I’ve been going there for over 20 years and it’s my home away from home. Whenever a new exhibit is announced, I try to visit…

#SciFri: Rock N Roll is Noise Pollution

Regular readers of the blog will know that every fortnight I write a special blog on something science related that I’ve either visited or been involved with. Some of you may have already realised that I like to listen to…

#SciFri: Amphibians and Reptiles of Scotland

On Saturday 9th June, herpetologists from all over the UK (including me) gathered in Glasgow for a very special occasion. The Glasgow Natural History Society, in conjunction with Clyde ARG, had organised a fantastic line-up of herpetologically themed talks for…

#SciFri: Other Minds: The Octopus and the Evolution of Intelligent Life

On Monday 11th June I was lucky to join a couple of friends at Conway Hall, London for a talk by Peter Godfrey-Smith regarding his research which has culminated in his brilliant book ‘Other Minds: The Octopus and the Evolution…

#SciFri: The Invention of Nature: Andrea Wulf in conversation

As a number of you may have recognised by both the start of this special weekly post on my blog and the large amounts of content I post on social media, I attend a number of talks and debates throughout…