Steve's Herpetological Blog

An insight into the life of Steve, his research and the many books he reads


#SciFri: Snakes at the Leicester Museum

It will be no surprise to regular readers of this blog that I love both snakes and museums! I was fortunate enough to be in Leicester recently visiting my mum, when I also had the opportunity to meet up with…

#SteveReviews: Rattled

One thing I will never get tired of is amazing documentaries on reptiles and amphibians. Thankfully, Rattled by The Orianne Society is on of these. In this short, captivating and insightful documentary a spotlight shines on one of the most…

#FeatureFriday: Sea snake conservation

Note: Every now and again I post an invited blog post by a member of the community. This time around it is the turn of Victoria Protheroe, a prolific author from the currently-dormant blog Bioweb. Thanks in advance to James…

#SciFri: May Project Update 2021

It’s that time of year again when I make my annual pilgrimage to Norfolk, in the attempt to catch as many grass snakes as I can. You’ll be glad to know that I have made it here nice and early…

#SteveReviews: Anaconda – Silent Killer

Few species of snake conjure up nightmarish images like the anaconda, known for it’s large size and potential human-eating behaviour. However these preconceived notions are not founded in any truth, which will hopefully be highlighted in a review I’ve authored…

#SteveReviews: The Secret Life of Snakes

You’ll be glad to know that this week’s #SteveReviews is snake themed! It turns out that Amazon Prime Video has a lot more herpetological documentaries that have now been added to my ‘to watch list’. The first of these is…

#SciFri: A look back on World Snake Day

For those of you that don’t happen to have a passion for herpetology or to be working with snakes, you may not have realised it but yesterday was World Snake Day. Now some readers may ask, “What’s the point of…

#SciFri: Snakes and coronavirus

I remember the day well, it was late January and I’d just got into the office and fired up my desktop. I do what I always do once I arrive, grab a cuppa and then check my email inbox and…

#SciFri: How good is pattern matching software?

We are currently living through some pretty tough times, not since the Second World War has there been the same level of restrictions on movement of people as there are at the moment. As someone that studies disease (in animals),…

#SciFri: November project update

Hey everyone, I hope you’re well. Apologies for the delay in getting this update out but it has been a busy one! So what have I been up to do I hear you ask? Well one of the tasks I’ve…