#StevesLibrary: Darwin’s Ghosts: In Search of the First Evolutionists
Rebecca Stott has authored a couple of books on the life of the most famous naturalist, Charles Darwin. The first titled Darwin and the Barnacle outlines his labour of love to classify and learn everything he could do about barnacles….
#SciFri: Venom: Killer and cure
A short while ago, there was an exhibit at the Natural History Museum, London focussed on the wonderful world of venom. I visited the exhibit a few times whilst it was at the museum, I thoroughly enjoyed it. If you…
#StevesLibrary: Oxygen: The Molecule That Made the World
Some of you may remember that I went to see Nick Lane give a talk at the Linnean Society of London back in March. I’d been aware of Nick’s research for a while involving the evolution of life. For those…
#StevesLibrary: Elephants on Acid
If like me, some of the more questionable experiments in history such as the Harlow experiments investigating the isolation of infant monkeys interest you as much as they shock you, then ‘Elephants on Acid‘ by Alex Boese is certainly a…
#SciFri: Fossil hunting at Walton-on-the-Naze
Whilst visiting my mother’s house in Essex, I couldn’t help but take the opportunity to travel to Walton-on-the-Naze (known as Walton for short) with her when she headed to the beach to walk her dog. Whilst she would be ensuring…
#StevesLibrary: The Sixth Extinction – An Unnatural History
This book features two design elements that market it pretty well towards me, that is lots of green and a frog on the cover! I was familiar with the author as I also own her earlier work ‘Field Notes from…