Steve's Herpetological Blog

An insight into the life of Steve, his research and the many books he reads


#StevesLibrary: The Tyrannosaur Chronicles

Who would have guessed it? Tyrannosaurus rex is my favourite dinosaur. Yes I know how cliché that sounds but I am a big kid in a tall man’s body don’t forget. It was T. rex that made me fall in…

#StevesLibrary: How to Build a Dinosaur

Now with a title like that, you’d expect the book to deliver right? Well you can be sure that it does! I first read this book during my undergraduate days and passed it between a few friends (who were dying…

#StevesLibrary: The Missing Lynx

2019 is almost over! I hope that everyone had an amazing Christmas and let me wish you all the best for 2020! Despite the festivities I managed to find the time to finish off one final book before the year…

#StevesLibrary: Your Inner Fish

Note: Hi everyone, sorry for the lack of posts recently – I’ve just started my PhD fieldwork and so I’ve been quite busy with that and a few other things. Don’t worry though, I will now be blogging again on…

#SciFri: Why we should be more proud of the Crystal Palace Dinosaurs

I’m sure many of you are aware of the existence of the Crystal Palace Dinosaurs and some of you may have even been to see them, which is a great day out if you can dodge the rain that London…